The Violet Salmon Project is a charitable project, established with the main purpose of helping the poor and less fortunate. This project has been actively assisting people in need, feeding the poor and homeless, for over 30 years. The activities under this project includes: feeding programmes, financial assistance and providing clothing and other necessities to the poor.
Partner with us
It does not matter how much you can give. Whatever you give, will be greatly, appreciated, as it will be of great help to someone who needs it. Partner with us today and help us brighten someone else’s tomorrow.
We also accept food items and anything else that you may wish to donate. You can contact us at +1876-304-1927 or +1876-304-1906,
+1 347-939-0965 Email: [email protected]
Contribute in Jamaican Dollars
Victoria Mutual Building Society
New Kingston Branch
SAVINGS A/C # 488705644
Bank of Nova Scotia
Liguanea Branch
SAVINGS A/C#844848
Contribute in US Dollars
TD Bank
CHEQUING A/C # 4424936825
ROUTING # 026013673
Bank of Nova Scotia
Liguanea Branch
SAVINGS A/C#844849
Certificates Received for Philantropy:
Below are a number of certificates: which were received over the years, for philantropic acts, carried out by the owner and founder of The Violet Salmon Project, Miss Violet Salmon. The certificates were made out in her married name, Violet Henderson. However, she reverted to her maiden name, some years after the passing of her husband and now goes by Violet Salmon.
Non-cash donations
Please fill out and submit the form below to make arrangements for non-cash donations